59 seconds

59 seconds…My arms fling around her neck and I pull her in tightly. There we stand in our embrace. The world stops spinning as I feel her chest move in and out with every breath. I can smell her perfume. It throws me right back. With all my might, I pull away and look into…


“Friendship with oneself is all-important because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.”– Eleanor Roosevelt My best friend and I have always had a tempestuous relationship. I’ve known him for years and we have gone through so much together. We’ve flown across oceans and walked on desert, drank Spritz in…

Angelic kiss

It sat quietly in its bubble wrap for a year after making its way down from the dusty loft in my old family home, now gone. I carefully remove the Sellotape and roll off its protective blanket as light suddenly hits the back and brings it to life once again. I remember it twisting slowly…

Inescapable addiction

-Admitting that one cannot control one’s addiction or compulsion-Recognising a higher power that can give strength-Examining past errors with the help of a sponsor (experienced     member)-Making amends for these errors-Learning to live a new life with a new code of behaviour-Helping others who suffer from the same addictions or compulsions Taken from the…

Day out

Watching as he slowly climbs, one foot in front of the other, he reaches the top. Triumphantly, he stands at the peak for a minute to take in the view – the wind blowing through silky brown hair. Lifting his hands to his face, he pushes it aside before beginning the 3 second journey to…

The lightness of love

“Love is like a butterfly As soft and gentle as a sigh The multicoloured moods of love, are like its satin wings” -Dolly Parton The thing that first attracted me to it was the way in which the wings would slowly open and close to reveal bright blue eye-like markings which shimmered in the sunlight.…

I do, part 2

Stepping out of the cool, atmospheric church the sun kissed my face through the trees, momentarily blinding me. Then as my vision cleared, I saw her… Leaning in the doorway I watched as the last minute adjustments were made by all those around her and was transfixed at the way the gentle gust of wind…

The extravagance of love

There I was, 8 years old with my amazing A-Team duvet cover pulled up over my head, a question burning into my brain. It was keeping me awake and I needed an answer – How many people in the world can you love at one time and does the heart eventually fill up like my…