A year of sunsets

35,000ft in the air, I soar high above the clouds which lie like eider pillows all around. As the plane banks gracefully to the right, the last remaining rays of golden sun splash onto my face and I close my eyes. In a few short minutes the shimmering light will be gone marking the end…

Angelic kiss

It sat quietly in its bubble wrap for a year after making its way down from the dusty loft in my old family home, now gone. I carefully remove the Sellotape and roll off its protective blanket as light suddenly hits the back and brings it to life once again. I remember it twisting slowly…

Inescapable addiction

-Admitting that one cannot control one’s addiction or compulsion-Recognising a higher power that can give strength-Examining past errors with the help of a sponsor (experienced     member)-Making amends for these errors-Learning to live a new life with a new code of behaviour-Helping others who suffer from the same addictions or compulsions Taken from the…