The canyon

I fastened my seat belt tightly, checked it and tugged on it again for good measure. I pulled on my headphones as the propellers began to turn, quickly matching the speed of my thoughts. In a few short seconds, with all the pre-flight checks made, the tarmac gently drifted away from us as we took…


“Friendship with oneself is all-important because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.”– Eleanor Roosevelt My best friend and I have always had a tempestuous relationship. I’ve known him for years and we have gone through so much together. We’ve flown across oceans and walked on desert, drank Spritz in…


The bongs rang out, hairs stood up and the breeze of hope rushed in. The warm embrace of each resolution hung heavy in the air set against a backdrop of spectacular pyrotechnics. Well, first was the inspiring ‘To get fit and tone up’, followed closely by the vaguer ‘Sort out my career’ which was then…